They may be difficult to spot, but we have barn cats.  One lives under the dairy parlor!  More are coming in early 2025 through DAWG.

DAWG is the Douglas Animal Welfare Group, a non-profit organization in Douglas County, Nevada.  They raise funds and promote initiatives that serve the people and animals that need them the most.  Blackacre Ranch has agreed to participate in their program and grant a homestead to some of their found (feral) cats.  Currently, cats may be turned away from shelters due to lack of space.  Instead, DAWG will trap, neuter/spay and return cats to a safe place, such as our ranch where they can live out their lives in a natural environment, contributing to the ranch’s ecosystem.  Cats will also receive their rabies shot and tipped ear to easily identify them as fixed during spay/neuter process.

There exists a time-honored tradition of having barn cats as invaluable members of the agricultural community. These feline guardians play a vital role in maintaining a healthy and balanced ranch ecosystem. Voles, rats, mice, squirrels, and other similar small animals put a farms feed supplies at risk not to mention the risk of disease these animals may bring and circulate.Cats are great for pest control, disease prevention, they’re cost-effective, they provide great stress relief and companionship, and they can clean up spilled milk.